We would like to invite everyone to check out our new 2008 series of Jim Baugh Outdoors Programs now airing on the Sportsman's Channel. Our featured time slot is Sundays at 4:30pm, and we also air two additional times per week, Monday at 11am and Friday at 2:30am.
Jim Baugh Outdoors also makes most of it's new programs available to stream 24\7 on the
http://www.jimbaughoutdoors.com/ web site. Simply enter the site and click on our streaming page.
2007 provided us with some of the best footage we have shot thus far -and next month, Jim Baugh Outdoors will begin shooting it's 20th year of programming. 20 years is a mile stone for us, and we certainly appreciate our viewer and sponsor support.
If you would like more info on the Sportsman's Channel just log on to their web site at
Also be sure to look for new 2008 Jim Baugh Outdoors Columns in the Travel Virginia Magazine, the Chesapeake Angler Magazine, and the Nor'Easter Magazine. Jim Baugh will also be making a personal appearance at the Tidewater Corvette Show held May second. The JBO Show Vette will be there on display along with some awesome Vettes, so yall come join the fun. For more info log on to
http://www.tidewatercorvetteclub.com/ For More info. on this weekends Hampton Virginia Boat Show, contact
Gary Gatling, Dockmaster 757.727.1276 or 866.556.9631
Tight Lines!!
Jim Baugh