Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rollin, Rollin down the river! -GO BEN BAUGH!!

Credance clearwater sure made a big hit with rollin down the river (Proud Mary). One of my favorite tunes and things to do. I started white water canoeing back at about 10 years of age, and my kids have been rafting with us during the last 20 year of producing Jim Baugh Outrdoors TV.

My son Ben Baugh really has taken a shine to white water, and had to give up a river guide job for a real internship before heading out to Washington State for his masters degree. He is now grabbing every chance he can to learn new tricks and explore the adventure of white water kayaking.
Was not long after Ben got back from our Suzuki West Palm Beach\Key Largo shoot, before he was back in his Kayak heading for the river.

These pictures are of Ben doing a complete roll in class three White water.

These photos are of Cucumber Rapid on the upper section of the Lower Youghiogheny River. This section is called "The Loop" in Ohiopyle State Park, Pennsylvania. It's called the loop because its a big river meander so by the time you're at the take-out, you're still only a short walk back to the put-in, allowing for boaters to take multiple "loops" in a day without having to set shuttle. It's a class III river.
Photo Credits
Nicole Kruse
Ohiopyle Adventure Photography
P.O. Box 13
Ohiopyle, PA 15470
Ph: 412-558-0274

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hampton Blackbeard Festival 2008

We were not back from the Suzuki 2009 product launch in Key Largo before we saw the skyline filled with old sails, and a lot of thirsty Pirates! The 2008 Hampton Blackbeard Festival was held this past weekend in downtown Hampton,and what a festival it was! These Pirates really put on a show with around the clock Piratical entertainment. This is a must see event that caters to families young and old.

This year Jim Baugh Outoors did something a little different at the Blackbeard Festival, we filmed the Pirate camp and featured "Cookie", the Pirate camp cook. Everything fixed was authentic to the time period of Blackbeard, all cooked over an open flame. The food was fantastic and old Cookie really knew his stuff.

Look in the July-August issue Jim Baugh column of Travel Virginia Magazine for the complete story and recipes. Below is a link to our current column in Travel Virginia Magazine and E Magazine, Destinations.