Hello everyone!
Here is a sneak peak at the new JBO TV Column that will apear in the Nov-Dec issue of Travel Virginia Magazine.
Grllin and Outdoor Livin with Jim Baugh
Reporting dockside from Hampton Virginia
Jim BaughTITLE: Rock On For The HolidaysI cant think of a better holiday gift than an awesome Rockfishing trip out of Hampton Virginia. Right now we are catching Rocks at night at the HRBT and chunking them up big time at the MM Tunnel. If tournaments are your thing, there are a ton of them happening during the season, Get Hooked On Hampton Rockfish Tourney, the Bluewater Big Rock, CCA, and of course later in the season the Frostbite Challenge and the massive Rockfish Shootout.

The holidays are the best time to be here fishing, and nighttime casting at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel is about my Favorite. There is also nice dinner size Rocks right here in the Hampton River in the light lines. The great thing about our new Go Green Fishing Machine is that we can now fish in places that our larger boat could not access. Fishing literally under the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel has provided some great Spot and Croaker fishing during October, and the fishing for Rockfish in the evening has been great, and will only get better!
Go Green Rockfish Recipes and Freezer Tips.Rockfish \ Striped Bass, is one of the favorite seafood fares in the Chesapeake Bay and there certainly is a lot of ways to prepare them. But before you cook, Store those extra filets!! There is no better way to help conserve and stretch out your grocery bill than to properly save and store your catch. For years, I have tried everything with only marginal success. During the last two years, we have been carefully vacuum sealing our catch with a foodsaver machine and it has worked flawlessly. There is no better way to store your prized catch and once you reopen your sealed bag, the meat is just like you had caught it. FRESH! A couple of tips, use a piece of paper towel and stretch inside the bag near the top under where the seal will be. This will help catch any moisture from going into the machine and provide a better seal. The cost of the bags is almost a wash, as long as you bulk buy them on the Internet or from a wholesale club.
Jim’s Holiday Rock “Feast” dinner.When you come to Hampton and load up your coolers with Rockfish, Sunset Boating Center has about the best fish cleaning station around. Also Sunset is a great place for fuel, groceries, and of course dry dock storage. Once you clean all those Rockfish, here is a wonderful and simple recipe that your family and friends will love.
Take several large filets and place in a large baking pan. Pour one cup of white wine in the bottom and place five cloves of chopped garlic on top of the filets. Spread fresh cut parsley on top of the fish along with a dash of black pepper, sea salt to taste, and some fresh bay leaves. Bake at 350 until done, remove, and then turn on the broiler. Next, spread a teaspoon of butter over the filets. Once the broiler is ready, broil off the top of the Rockfish for only about a minute, until the butter is melted and turning brown. Remove from the oven.
Place the fish on a large white serving dish and top off with the following home made picante. Mix in bowl fresh cut tomatoes, chopped onion, one clove garlic, fresh parsley, dash of red wine vinegar, and a some crushed red pepper flakes. Ad one teaspoon of olive oil and stir together. Then, pour picante over top of the Rockfish and serve with a side of white rice. This is one festive holiday treat, -give this one a try for sure!
A Special Recipe from Burtons Grill.
Recently I had the pleasure of being ask to be a guest at Burtons Grill In the Hill Top area of Virginia Beach. Jim Baugh Outdoors TV wrote a review of the restaurant and it is located on our facebook page and on our JBO BLOG. Burtons was just a fantastic place, and all of the seafood we tried was about the best we have ever had. The following is again a simple dish, with a bit of a twist that we really loved. The dish is called Baha Mai, however the preparation works just as well with Swordfish, Rockfish, or even Tuna. Pictured here in our column is the Bahi Mai prepared with a delicious filet of Sword.

Take your favorite filet and bronze the meat on the grill. When we bronze fish, we use a combination of Cajun seasoning with butter and cook on a gas grill. The big key with this dish is the relish, (topping) that is put on top of the cooked filet. This savory delight is a combination of crabmeat, fresh cut avocado, and diced tomatoes along with some fresh lime juice and spices. I highly recommend going to Burtons Grill and trying this dish.

Also Burtons has some of the best sea scallops we have ever had, a must try for sure. Check Burtons Grill out at http://www.burtonsgrill.com/ You will be glad you did!
Hampton for the Holidays 
Come join us for all of the downtown Hampton holiday festivities. My favorite holiday activity is the Downtown Hampton Lighted Boat Parade. We would like everyone to come down to see the incredible floating parade and you can see the Go Green Fishing Machine dressed out in her full holiday splendor!
For more info on the parade and if you would like to enter your boat, just contact the Hampton Public Piers at 757-727-1276, ask for Greg the dock master. Also during this weekend is the downtown holiday Christmas lighting, book your rooms now downtown at the new Crowne Plaza. For complete lodging info just check out the Hampton Convention and Visitors Bureau web site at http://www.hamptoncvb.com/go/visitors
--Also! Don’t forget to log on to www.jimbaughoutdoors.com to receive your FREE Hampton Roads Fishing Guide and Hampton Virginia Travel Guide. Just click the link on our first page, and they will be shipped to you free of charge. All the info you need to fish and travel in Jim Baugh Outdoors Home Waters!!! You can also request both guides toll free by dialing 800 800 2202. Everything you need is right there! A great holiday gift, and it is FREE!
Don’t miss our next column in Travel Virginia Magazine where we will feature
Suzuki Marine and
Carolina Skiff at the 2010 Miami International Boat show, and romancing recipes for Valentines Day from Key Largo to Key West! Stay Tuned!
Bon Appetit, Tight Lines, Happy Holidays, and
GO GREEN!Jim Baugh
Jim Baugh Outdoors TV
***For information about Jim Baugh Outdoors adopt a pet drive, log on to our web site at www.jimbaughoutdoors.com