Jim Baugh Outdoors launched it's 2008 shooting season with one of the best Spadefish trips we have ever been on. We hooked up with our fishing buddies Captain Jim Brincfield and Larry Regula on board the Jill Carrie for just one awesome day of Spadefishing.

The featured location was the Chesapeake Light Tower at the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay. The CLT is only about 29 nautical miles from Hampton, on the way out we ran into a litte chop, and then the water layed down beautiful for the rest of the day. Our bait was of course cracked Clams, and they really did the trick! First mate Larry was cracken Them all day, and we never once even used a chum bag. Larry did through some cut clams and shells overboard from time to time but that was about it.

Captain Jim did a wonderful job at trying to get the best boat position around the tower all day, the current was not really workin with us, and it was not easy to get that 50 footer into a good position, however we caught fish all day. Just fantastic crew, and everybody on board limited out!
Now today was extra special, we even had the Coast Guard come out and give us a great show landing thir bird on top of the Chesapeake Light Tower.

As many times as I have been out, this is the first time I had seen this, what a sight, and the breeze was nice as well! It is great getting out and fish the tower, it is a little like a family Reunion, you see everybody out there, it is just great. We had charter boats and fisherman from
Hampton, the
Northern Neck area,
Yorktown, and
Rude Inlet, all having a blast out on the water just catching a ton of Spadefish. Now, we did go yesterday, a weekday which is a good thing. On the weekend this area offshore will look like a parking lot, hundreds of boats.

Just remember that the Spadefish not only hang around the tower, but all over the 300 sunken structures that are in that artificial reef area. You can log on to our JBO GPS page and get a lot of Numbers if you like, be sure to check out the Redbirds!!
Today we landed the largest Spadfish we have ever caught on camera. 
My cameraman Sean Finnegan landed a whopping 9 pound, 2 ounce monster that took like 15 min. to land in the boat. Sean did a great job bringing that fish in, just look at the pic!! Awesome fish!!
I said earlier about all the folks we see out at the Light Tower. Well, I even ran into my buddy Max King out fishing with the Chesapeake Angler Fishng School. This is a wonderful program and just look at these fish these kids caught! Fantastic stuff! If you would like more info. about the fishing school just contact the Chesapeake Angler Magazine, their web site is listed below.
Now that we have shot our first program for the 2008 season, it is back to workin on the old Trojan. We just finished glassing the back deck, looks like a new boat. But the cleaning job inside from all that fiberglsas and woodwork will take me and Sean a couple of days, good project. Once the clean up is done, we then can start to redo the interior. This 34 year old girl needs some TLC, and she is getting it!
Yall have a good one, and if you want to get on the best Spadefish action there is, go NOW. Here is the info. for Captain Jim, and you can lalso look on our Hampton charter page on our web site
http://www.captjim.com/ I think Captain Jim will also have pics of yesterdays shoot posted on his site soon, so check back!
The bite is red hot, go getum!!
Jim Baugh